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expressions. Both the Aramaic Mawhamana and the Greek períklytos have the same meaning as the two names of the last Prophet, Muhammad and Ahmad, both of which are derived from the verb hamida ("to praise") and the noun hamd ("praise"). But even supposing that the original text would indeed speak of paráklētos, the passage would also apply to the Prophet Muhammad, who is "a mercy for all beings" (21:107) and "kind and merciful to the
believers" (9:128)." ("Traducción comentada El Corán [Annotated translation The Qur'an] Lic. M. Isa García").
The Holy Prophet of GOD-AL-LAH MUHAMMAD is, in the Light of Gnosis and Shiite Sufism, the "ANOTHER CONSOLER", or "COMFORTER", THE HOLY SPIRIT, the SPIRIT OF TRUTH who Proceeds from the FATHER.
In one meaning, the "Paraclete" is The Holy Spirit as one of the Higher Parts of the Spiritual Individual Being within every Being, Our Blessed Divine Mother's Bridegroom. The Holy Spirit and the Divine Mother integrate the Divine and Spiritual Couple of "SHIVA- SHAKTI", as they are called in the Far East.
In another meaning, the "Paraclete", "Paraklitos", "Consoler", or "Comforter", of John the Apostle's Gospel is identified in the Light of Islamism with "AHMAD", one of the Prophet MUHAMMAD's
Names, and particularly in Shiite Gnosis with the TWELFTH IMAM.
"... the "Paraclete" foretold by Jesus is the Prophet Muhammad. Nevertheless, according to Shiite exegesis, the foretelling of the "Paraclete" refers to the Imam of Resurrection, the hidden Imam, who is likewise called Muhammad, who proceeds from the Prophet's progeny, who, moreover, speaks of him as of another himself."
In The Babylonian Talmud, The Paraclete (The Comforter, or "Menahem") is identified with SHILOH:
"What is his [the Messiah's] name?... His name is Shiloh, for it is written, until Shiloh come (Genesis, 49:10)... Others say: His name is Menahem... for it is written, Because Menahem ['the Comforter', 'the Holy Spirit'], that would relieve my soul, is far (Lamentations 1:16)." ("Babylonian Talmud", "Tractate Sanhedrin 98b").
In The Zohar, the Great Enlightened Rabbi Shimon Ben Yochai identifies Shiloh with the Prophet Moses:
"..."The sceptre shall not depart from Judah nor the ruler's staff from between his feet" (Genesis 49:10); 'the sceptre' referring to the Messiah of the house of Judah, and 'the staff' to the Messiah of the house of Joseph. "Until Shiloh cometh" (Genesis 49:10): this is Moses, the numerical value of the two names Shiloh [Schyloh] and Moses [MoSheH] being the same." (The Great

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